Financial Management Suggestion Honours 4th Year Exam

One Time School

Honours 4th Year Exam 2022 Held 2024
Department: Management (Course Title: Financial Management: 242603)
Premium Suggestion


1. Briefly explain the three key activities of the financial manager.
2. Why is financial management important to a student of Business Studies?
3. Show distinctions between profit maximization and wealth maximization.
4. Write down the features of optimum capital structure.
5. Briefly explain underwriting as a method of public offering.
6. What is corpomme decisions? oint out the impacts of bankruptcy cost.
7. What are the differences between stock dividend and stock split?
8. Show the difference between risk and uncertainty.
9. What are the advantages of using the certainty equivalent approach? Does it suffer from any limitation?
10. Describe the importance of capital budgeting.
11. Differentiate between Net Income (NI) approach and Net Operating Income (NOI) approach.


1. (a) Discuss the objectives of financial management.
(b) Briefly discuss major corporate decisions that financial manager must take.
2. (a) What is financial market?
(b) Mention the significance of capital market?
3. (a) Discuss the different market forces to minimize agency problem.
(b) How does the modern financial manager differ from the traditional manager?
4. (a) Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of lease financing.
(b) Show the differences between financial lease and operating lease.
5. (a) What is working capital management?

(b) Briefly discuss the common five factors that can be considered while estimating working capital requirements of a business firm.
6. (a) Discuss five arguments in favor of wealth maximization.
(b) Discuss the factors influencing corporate decisions. .
7(a) Discuss the different market forces to minimize agency problem.
(b) How does the modem financial manager differ from the traditional manager?
8. (a) Discuss the goals and objectives of financial manager.
(b) Discuss the factors offering the level of working capital.
9. (a) The price of the share at optimum payout ration using Walter’s Model.
(b) The price of the share using Gordon Model at 60% payout ratio.
10. (a) Discuss the three major financial decisions which financial manager must take for his/her organization.
(b) Discus the importance of financial management.
11. (a) Discuss the various types of dividend policies.
(b) Write down the significance of financial management.
12. (a) Discuss the determinants of an optimum dividend policy.
(b) What is bond refunding? Discuss the process of bond refundin

Financial Management Suggestion Honours 4th Year Exam

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